☁️Autonomous Cloud Management

Learn how to connect your cloud resources and monitoring data for continuous cloud cost, performance, and availability optimization.

Use AI/ML to proactively manage your compute, storage, and streaming resources. To get started, you will need permission to connect your cloud resources and monitoring data to Sedai.

Step 1: Connect Cloud Resources

You can connect any type of environment, but we recommend connecting production resources with consistent traffic and usage for best results. You can also get started with development resources and add production accounts when you're ready. Learn more about how Sedai safely manages your resources and how to modify feature settings for integrated resources.

Log in to your Sedai account and navigate to Settings > Integrations. In the upper righthand corner of the screen, click Add Cloud.

Select the cloud resources you'd like to connect below to view a setup guide with required information and steps to get started. Once connected, Sedai will automatically import your resources.

Step 2: Connect Monitoring Data

Sedai imports monitoring data and automatically prioritizes metrics to build its baseline for predictive analytics. Click below to view a list of supported monitoring providers:

πŸ“ˆConnect Monitoring Data

Python SDK and API Documentation

Sedai prioritizes accessibility and user-friendliness in our cloud management solutions. To achieve this, all our features have been made accessible through APIs, providing users with seamless integration and adaptability. Our Python SDK acts as a simplified interface for a subset of these APIs, allowing developers to easily incorporate Sedai's capabilities into their applications. Presently, the SDK simplifies the process of onboarding new accounts and performing basic setup tasks.

Invite Team

To invite your team to Sedai, click the user icon in the upper righthand corner of the platform and select Invite Team. You will be redirected to a new screen where you can send and track invitations. Sedai does not yet support role based access; however, you can contact support@sedai.io for assistance configuring user permissions for your team.

Last updated