Connect Kubernetes cluster

Learn how to connect either self-hosted or managed clusters to Sedai.

Sedai integrates individual Kubernetes clusters. To integrate a cluster, Sedai requires access to control plane APIs so it can view the current state of workloads and optionally make changes (such as modifying configurations like CPU, memory, etc). Sedai additionally needs access to monitoring data APIs to query metrics (such as usage, traffic, and performance) for its analysis and ML models.

Once connected, Sedai discovers stateless workloads, Deployments, StatefulSets, ReplicaSets, Jobs, CronJobs, Services, and Volumes.

Sedai currently supports autonomous mode for stateless workloads but will only generate recommendations for stateful workloads.

How to integrate

For clusters managed through a cloud provider, we recommend deploying Sedai's Smart Agent to ensure secure, uninterrupted access:

πŸ€–Sedai Smart Agent

Sedai also supports integrating clusters without an agent for AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform:

AKS Agentless SetupEKS Agentless SetupGKE Agentless Setup

If you run on-prem/self-managed clusters, you can also connect clusters deployed in Cloud Service Provider's environments.

Supported Providers

  • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

  • Alibaba Container Service for Kubernetes

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • DigitalOcean

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

  • OpenShift

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)

  • Platform9

  • Rancher

  • VMware Tanzu

Last updated