🎫Ticketing & Service Management

Connect your preferred ticketing platforms to automatically track Sedai’s autonomous actions.

Sedai supports ticketing and service management integrations so that your team can easily log operations from its availability or optimization changes.

Sedai also audits all operations internally, which can be made available via reports and API exports. Contact support@sedai.io for more information.

How to Integrate

To add a ticketing integration, navigate to Settings > Integrations and click Add Integration; from the side drawer, select Ticketing. Sedai supports the following ticketing systems:

Resource Mapping

You can choose to receive alerts for all resources connected to Sedai or map specific groups of resources to an integration.

We recommend creating integrations based on individual teams so that you can map the group(s) of resources they are responsible for managing (and avoid noisy alerts).


When Sedai generates an operation, an issue will be created within your project. The integration supports two workflows within Jira to either automatically approve issues or alert your team to review and approve or reject issues. Both workflows follow the same status flow of Open -> Approval -> Rejected -> Completed and will automatically close issues once the operation is completed (if approved).

Sedai will poll the status of the ticket before it proceeds with the operation. There is also an optional timeout option, after which Sedai can continue with the operations.

Adding Jira as a ticketing integration will automatically create issues and update their statuses based on your workflow preferences. You can also connect Jira as a simple notification integration.


Sedai supports two workflows:

  • Basic: Best for tracking open and completed executions. Sedai will open a task with operation details and automatically execute the operation. Once changes are complete, the task status will be updated to indicate it has been completed.

  • Approval: Recommended if your team wants to review operations before they are executed. Sedai will open a task with operation details and wait for you to either approve or reject the changes. You can optionally define a timeout for the review period, which allows Sedai to automatically approve the task if you do not approve it within the allotted timeframe. You can select an approval expiration up to 8 hours after the ticket has been generated.

Import Sedai Workflow

For Sedai to check for status updates and close tickets, it is important to use the predefined workflow which can be imported from the Jira marketplace (Note: Only one workflow is available from the marketplace, and it supports both the Basic and Approval workflows in Sedai's integration).

Note: To import Sedai's workflow, you will need admin privileges within your Jira account.

  • Navigate to Settings -> Issues -> Workflows

  • Click Add workflow -> Import from Marketplace

  • Search for Sedai Approval Workflow for Jira and select the workflow (you can optionally rename the workflow); click Next

  • Review the Workflow statuses (note: do not modify)

  • Navigate to the project settings where the workflow will be used (note: you will need to use the same project's key when you integrate with Sedai)

  • Under workflows, click Add workflow -> Add Existing and choose the workflow imported in the previous step

You will need the following information to integrate Jira:

Project Key

This identifies the project Sedai issues will be created under. To find your key, navigate to your preferred project within your Jira dashboard and select the Project Settings.

Jira URL

This is your organization's unique Jira URL (for example, https://enter-your-domain.atlassian.net)

API token

To generate a token, go to the security section within your account profile. Visit Atlassian Support to learn more about managing your API tokens.


This can be for any user associated with the Jira account.



Create an endpoint in your ServiceNow console. Visit ServiceNow Docs to learn more about creating endpoints.

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