πŸ”‘Single Sign-On / RBAC

Learn how to integrate your Identity Provider (IdP) using OIDC (OpenID Connect) or SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language).

SSO setup requires custom integration. Contact support@sedai.io for help.

Single Sign-on (SSO) streamlines the authentication process for your team and enhances security. Sedai supports two common IdP configurations: OIDC (OpenID Connect) and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language). We recommend using OIDC if both options are available.

IdP Requirements and Sedai Roles

Your IdP must pass role information during the login process. In addition, basic user information (such as full name and email address), should be transmitted for user identification.

Sedai provides role-based and group-based access. Role-based access provides access to all resources within a workspace, while group-based access provides access to select groups of resources. Role-based Admin can manage roles from Admin > Access Control.

Role-based Access

Role-based access provides access to all resources in the workspace. Each team member in a workspace must be assigned one (and only one) of the following:

Role-based Access


Can access all resources, features, integrations, and settings


Can execute recommendations for all resources but cannot manage any settings


Can explore recommendations and activity for resources but cannot execute any recommendations


Cannot view any resources in your workspace, unless group access is defined

Group-based Access

Group-based access provides access to select groups of resources in a workspace. Each team member can optionally be assigned any combination of the following roles:

Group-based Access


Can manage settings and execute recommendations for resources in select groups


Can execute recommendations for resources in select groups


Can explore recommendations and activity for resources in select groups but cannot execute any recommendations

A team member cannot be assigned group-based access with lower permissions than their role-based role. For example, a team member cannot be assigned a Role-based Admin but a Group-based User.

OIDC Integration

The following information is required from your OIDC Identity Provider:


Discover URI

Allows Sedai to dynamically discover configuration details of your IdP (typically formatted as https://your-oidc-idp.com/.well-known/openid-configuration)

Client ID & Secret

Establishes secure connection between Sedai and your OIDC IdP

Roles Mapping

Maps role names used within your OIDC IdP to Sedai's roles

Attribute for Role Name

Indicates specific attribute in your OIDC IdP that holds the role information during the authentication handshake. This attribute should contain the role details corresponding to Sedai's roles.

After our team receives this information, we will provide Callback URLs for you to update your OIDC IdP. Sedai uses the URLs to send authentication callbacks. These should be configured to handle responses from the IdP after user authentication.

SAML Integration

The following information is required from your SAML provider:


SAML Identity Provider Metadata XML

Initiates the SAML integration with Sedai by describing your SAML Identity Provider (see example)

Roles Mapping

Maps role names used within your SAML Identity Provider to Sedai's roles (SedaiViewer, SedaiUser, SedaiAdmin)

Attribute for Role Name

Indicates the specific attribute in your SAML Identity Provider that holds role information during the authentication handshake. This attribute should contain the role details corresponding to Sedai's roles.

After Sedai receives this information, a team members will provide Sedai's Service Provider Metadata for you to update your SAML IdP.

Some SAML providers may allow the use of Service Provider certificate data directly, which is available within the metadata.

Okta SAML 2.0 Configuration

When adding applications in Okta for SAML, you will need to provide the following details to your Sedai support contact:


Application ACS URL


Application SAML Audience




Name ID Format





How to create managed application in AWS IAM Identity Center
  1. From the AWS IAM Identity Center, click on Applications -> Add Application and select I have an application I want to set up. Choose SAML 2.0 Application Type.

  1. Enter Display Name and Description (such as "Sedai" and "Autonomous Cloud Management System").

  2. Copy the SAML metadata file URL from the IAM Identity Center metadata section (this URL will be required for loading the IdP Metadata in Sedai; please copy and send to the Sedai team).

  3. Under Application Properties, populate the Application Start URL as https://<your-domain>.sedai.app. Leave the rest of the fields in the default state.

  4. Populate the Application Metadata details:

    • Application ACS URL: https://<your-domain>.sedai.app/api/saml2/sp?client_name=Sedai-<your-domain>

    • Application SAML Audience: Sedai-<your-domain>

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Once the application is created, go to the application home page and click Action -> Edit Attribute Mapping.

  7. Populate the attributes as shown in the screenshot below:

  1. Under the Assigned Users and Groups, add the three groups created in the previous step for this application: SedaiAdmin, SedaiUser, SedaiViewer.

  2. Send your Sedai support contact the SAML metadata file URL from the IAM Identity Center metadata section and the group IDs for the corresponding Sedai roles.

Last updated